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  • Robert Roy

What to Do at Bear Lake Experience

Updated: Jun 5

Spring is finally here and it won't be long until we all have time to enjoy the outdoors again. Bear Lake Experience is a back to nature small family campground that will bring you there.

Our 42 acre property with just 15 campsites has lots to explore and enjoy within its forest, lake and creek. Its easy to quickly loose track of time and engulf yourself in the sights and sounds of the property. We offer many relaxing activities in our back to nature surroundings.

Hiking and Walking

Bear Lake Experience has many forest trails throughout the property that are perfect for hiking and walking. You can explore the beautiful forests and enjoy the fresh air while taking in the natural beauty of the area.

Wildlife Watching

Bear Lake Experience is home to a variety of wildlife, including deer,

squirrels, beavers, chipmunks racoons, and many varieties of birds. You can bring your binoculars and enjoy watching the wildlife in their natural habitat.


If you're a fishing enthusiast, Bear Lake Experience has a natural creek that runs through the property and a 2 acre naturalized lake that offer fun fishing opportunities. You can cast a line and try your luck at catching bass, perch, or trout.

Most of all while camping at Bear

Lake Experience you can set up your tent or trailer and enjoy a night under the stars while surrounded by the peacefulness of the forest away from the everyday hustle.

We hope you will take the time to check out what we have to offer and spend a night or two by the campfire on this fantastic property.

7140 Egremont Road

Warwick Ontario

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